Wednesday, February 18, 2009

HELP!!! My baby is becoming a big boy!!!

I dont really know where the time goes. It seems like just the other day we were bringing my tiny preemie baby home who only weighed just over 4 lbs when we left the hospital 9 days after his birth. Today he is a 5 year old boy who plays soccer, attends preschool, and is only months away from his first day of kindergarten. My baby is becoming a big boy!!!

Dallas and one particular boy at his preschool hit it off and have been buddies just about the whole time he has been there. The two of them have been talking about going to each others houses for outside of school playtime. So, I had to ask myself AM I READY FOR THAT??? Really? Does a 5 year old need to have a friend over to spend the night??? According to them ,YES they should. After some thought I finally said Okay I'll call his mom. From that moment that's all he can talk about. In fact, it works as good leverage. For example: Dallas, its time for bed and you need to be quiet and go right to sleep. If we have to get on to you we will reconsider "O" coming to stay the night. Oh my gosh, it works everytime!! If all goes well, this Friday is when the sleepover will happen. So, wish me luck! I'll be back to let you know how it went!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's a big milestone, the first sleepover! I am sure I will be asking you for advice in the years to come about this stuff! Hope it goes well, can't wait to hear about it!
